At the heart of research and teaching on virtual reality and augmented reality, the Engineering School Centrale Nantes is recruiting an Associate Professor who will carry out his or her work within the CRENAU team of the Ambiances, Architectures, Urbanités laboratory. The research topics in VR/AR will be applied to the field of architecture and urban planning, as well as to other fields (health, industry).

Teaching activities:

Computer science & mathematics department. Option Virtual Reality, option Computer Science, Core course Computer Science

The selected candidate will essentially be involved in the “Virtual Reality” option of the engineering course in Centrale Nantes (M1/M2 level). To this day, it is the most important Virtual Reality (VR)/Augmented Reality (AR) course in France (in terms of number of hours and number of students).

The lectures cover a wide range focusing on computer science (C++ Programming, Real-time imaging, basics of Virtual Reality, computer vision, Augmented Reality, etc.). Expertise regarding the use of version management software and video game engines like Unity is also required. Other lectures within the computer sciences option and the core course are to be expected. Participation in the supervision of projects will be required. The selected candidate will be in charge of classes (e.g. C++) as early as September 2021.

Research activities:

The selected candidate will carry out their research within the IT Team of the CRENAU Lab (4 MCF, 1 IR CNRS, 7 PhD students) of the Ambiances, Architectures, Urbanités Laboratory. They will be able to develop their own research works and to participate in the team’s current projects. Moreover, they will be able to collaborate closely with the Inria Hybrid team (Rennes). More information

Every profile in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality will be studied carefully. The research themes of the candidate can cover:

  • Perception of virtual and augmented environments,
  • Immersive visualization,
  • Pose computation for augmented reality in complex environments: outdoors, factories…
  • Virtual incarnation and its consequences and associated applications.

The research themes in VR/AR will be applied to the fields of architecture and urban planning, along with other fields (health, industry).
With CORAULIS, the laboratory will have a unique virtual and augmented reality platform combining 360 immersion with capacities of projective augmented reality at its center. We expect that the recruited candidate dedicates a part of their research within or around CORAULIS as a subject matter.

Required skills:
Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality.

The deadline for the registration of applications and the submission of paperless documents on the GALAXIE application is set for 30 March 2021, 4 p.m. Paris time.

Le dossier de candidature à saisir sur GALAXIE doit contenir les pièces indiquées dans l’arrêté du 13 février 2015 relatif
aux modalités générales des opérations de mutation, de détachement et de recrutement par concours des maîtres
de conférences (article 10) :

Informations :
Directrice du département d’enseignement : Françoise Foucher – franç
Directrice de site pour le laboratoire AAU : Myriam Servières –
Responsable de l’option RV – membre Hybrid/AAU : Jean-Marie Normand –
Direction des Ressources Humaines – Tél. : +33 2 40 37 16 04  –

Download recruitment offer (FR/EN)

©Photo Véronique Dom: CORAULIS – Observation Centre in augmented reality and sound immersion site