Domaine de recherche

Informatique :

  • réalité virtuelle
  • réalité augmentée
  • reconstruction 3d d’environnements urbains


  • Ingénieur en informatique ENSIEE, 1995
  • DEA Contrôle et Modélisation des Processus Industriels, Paris XII 1995
  • Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, département Informatique, 1995-1997
  • Doctorat en informatique, Université de Rennes I, 1998
  • Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université de Nantes, 2009

Expériences professionnelles

  • Postdoc industriel, IRISA Rennes, 1998-1999
  • Enseignant-chercheur, Mines Paritech – Armines, 1999-2002
  • Maître de conférences en informatique, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, 2002-2011
  • Professeur des universités, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, 2011-2020
  • Directeur délégué recherche et innovation, IMT Atlantique campus de Brest depuis 2021.


  • Directeur de la formation, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, 2016-2019
  • Directeur du département Informatique et Mathématiques, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, 2012-2016
  • Directeur du système d’information et membre de l’équipe de direction Ecole Centrale de Nantes, 2006-2012
  • Membre du comité d’évaluation ANR SIMI 2 Programmes Blanc, Jeunes Chercheurs/Jeunes Chercheuses, Blanc international II 2011-2014, président du comité 2013.


Mes enseignements se situent principalement dans le cadre de la formation ingénieur. J’interviens majoritairement dans les options réalité virtuelle et informatique (programmation C++, méthodes de développements, fondements de la réalité virtuelle, synthèses d’images, mathématiques discrètes). J’assure également les cours de base données auprès des apprentis et du cursus accelerated track (en anglais).

Article dans une revue

  • Adrien Verhulst, Jean-Marie Normand, Guillaume Moreau, Gustavo Patow. Deep weathering effects. Computers and Graphics, 2023, 112, pp.40-49. ⟨10.1016/j.cag.2023.03.006⟩. ⟨hal-04056425⟩

  • Martin Guy, Jean-Marie Normand, Camille Jeunet-Kelway, Guillaume Moreau. The sense of embodiment in Virtual Reality and its assessment methods. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 2023, 4, pp.1141683. ⟨10.3389/frvir.2023.1141683⟩. ⟨hal-04323074⟩

  • Nicolas Fourrier, Guillaume Moreau, Mustapha Benaouicha, Jean-Marie Normand. Handwriting for Efficient Text Entry in Industrial VR Applications: Influence of Board Orientation and Sensory Feedback on Performance. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2023, 29 (11), pp.4438-4448. ⟨10.1109/TVCG.2023.3320215⟩. ⟨hal-04304498⟩

  • Maxim Spur, Vincent Tourre, Guillaume Moreau, Patrick Le Callet. Virtual data sphere: inverse stereographic projection for immersive multi-perspective geovisualization. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2022, V-4-2022, pp.235-242. ⟨10.5194/isprs-annals-V-4-2022-235-2022⟩. ⟨hal-03735799⟩

  • Léa Pillette, Guillaume Moreau, Jean-Marie Normand, Manon Perrier, Anatole Lécuyer, et al.. A Systematic Review of Navigation Assistance Systems for People with Dementia. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2022, pp.1-20. ⟨10.1109/TVCG.2022.3141383⟩. ⟨hal-03605535⟩

  • Gabriel Giraldo, Myriam Servières, Guillaume Moreau. Towards a Sensitive Urban Wind Representation in Virtual Reality. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2022, 11 (4), pp.239. ⟨10.3390/ijgi11040239⟩. ⟨hal-03633359⟩

  • Mohamed Outahar, Guillaume Moreau, Jean-Marie Normand. Direct and Indirect vSLAM Fusion for Augmented Reality. Journal of Imaging, 2021, 7 (8), pp.141. ⟨10.3390/jimaging7080141⟩. ⟨hal-03319808⟩

  • Cindy Lombart, Elena Millan, Jean-Marie Normand, Adrien Verhulst, Blandine Labbé-Pinlon, et al.. Effects of physical, non-immersive virtual, and immersive virtual store environments on consumers' perceptions and purchase behavior. Computers in Human Behavior, 2020, 110, pp.1-36. ⟨10.1016/j.chb.2020.106374⟩. ⟨hal-02551772⟩

  • Yuan Gao, Etienne Peillard, Jean-Marie Normand, Guillaume Moreau, Yue Liu, et al.. Influence of virtual objects' shadows and lighting coherence on distance perception in optical see‐through augmented reality. Journal of the Society for Information Display, 2020, 28 (2), pp.117-135. ⟨10.1002/jsid.832⟩. ⟨hal-02200576⟩

  • Bernard Semaan, Myriam Servières, Guillaume Moreau, Bilal Chebaro. Camera Pose Estimation Using Collaborative Databases and Single Building Image. Journal of Geographic Information System, 2020, 12 (06), pp.620-645. ⟨10.4236/jgis.2020.126036⟩. ⟨hal-03060116⟩

  • Maxim Spur, Vincent Tourre, Erwan David, Guillaume Moreau, Patrick Le Callet. Exploring Multiple and Coordinated Views for Multilayered Geospatial Data in Virtual Reality. Information, 2020, 11 (9), pp.425. ⟨10.3390/info11090425⟩. ⟨hal-02931923⟩

  • Yuan Gao, Yue Liu, Jean-Marie Normand, Guillaume Moreau, Xue Gao, et al.. A study on differences in human perception between a real and an AR scene viewed in an OST-HMD. Journal of the Society for Information Display, 2019, pp.1-17. ⟨10.1002/jsid.752⟩. ⟨hal-01987255⟩

  • Cindy Lombart, Blandine Labbé-Pinlon, Jean-Marie Normand, Adrien Verhulst, Guillaume Moreau. Comment les consommateurs réagissent-ils, en situation d’achat, face à des fruits et légumes difformes ? Premiers résultats d’une étude menée en magasin laboratoire virtuel immersif. Revue de l'Organisation Responsable, 2019, 14 (1), pp.50. ⟨10.3917/ror.141.0050⟩. ⟨hal-02556606⟩

  • Cindy Lombart, Elena Millan, Jean-Marie Normand, Adrien Verhulst, Blandine Labbé-Pinlon, et al.. Consumer perceptions and purchase behavior toward imperfect fruits and vegetables in an immersive virtual reality grocery store. Journal of retailing and consumer services, 2019, 48, pp.28-40. ⟨10.1016/j.jretconser.2019.01.010⟩. ⟨hal-01995916⟩

  • Adrien Verhulst, Jean-Marie Normand, Cindy Lombart, Maki Sugimoto, Guillaume Moreau. Influence of Being Embodied in an Obese Virtual Body on Shopping Behavior and Products Perception in VR. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 2018, 5, pp.1-20. ⟨10.3389/frobt.2018.00113⟩. ⟨hal-01888990⟩

  • Julie Milovanovic, Daniel Siret, Guillaume Moreau, Francis Miguet. Écosystème de représentations et apprentissage de la conception. SHS Web of Conferences, 2018, 47, ⟨10.1051/shsconf/20184701003⟩. ⟨hal-01916574⟩

  • Guillaume Moreau, Jean-Marie Normand. Voir l'invisible : de la vision par ordinateur aux réalités augmentée et Virtuelle. Revue Française d'Histotechnologie, 2018, 30 (1), pp.21. ⟨hal-01826891⟩

  • Frédéric Bertrand, Cyril Faucher, Jean-Yves Lafaye, Guillaume Moreau, Myriam Servières, et al.. Gérer les informations temporelles dans et par les modèles informatiques. Revue Internationale de Géomatique, 2015, MODÉLISER LES DYNAMIQUES SPATIALES, 25 (3), pp.415-436. ⟨10.3166/RIG.25.415-436⟩. ⟨hal-01259330⟩

  • Liming Yang, Jean-Marie Normand, Guillaume Moreau. Local Geometric Consensus: A General Purpose Point Pattern-Based Tracking Algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2015, 21 (11), pp.1299 - 1308. ⟨10.1109/TVCG.2015.2459897⟩. ⟨hal-01276767⟩

  • Rachid Hamaina, Thomas Leduc, Guillaume Moreau. Caractérisation des tissus urbains à partir de l’analyse structurelle des réseaux viaires. Cybergeo : Revue européenne de géographie / European journal of geography, 2012, ⟨10.4000/cybergeo.25009⟩. ⟨halshs-01345699⟩

  • Laure Leroy, Philippe Fuchs, Guillaume Moreau. Real-time adaptive blur for reducing eye strain in stereoscopic displays. ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 2012, 9(2), p. 1-18. ISSN: 1544-3558. ⟨10.1145/2207216.2207220⟩. ⟨hal-00783076⟩

  • Shuang He, Jean-Yves Martin, Guillaume Moreau. Footprint-Based Generalization of 3D Building Groups at Medium Level of Detail for Multi-Scale Urban Visualization. International Journal On Advances in Software, 2012, 5 (34), pp.377-387. ⟨hal-01276772⟩

  • Laure Leroy, Philippe Fuchs, Guillaume Moreau. Visual fatigue reduction for immersive stereoscopic displays by disparity, content and focus-point adapted blur. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2012, 59 (10), pp.3998-4004. ⟨10.1109/TIE.2011.2171173⟩. ⟨hal-01015096⟩

  • Hideaki Uchiyama, Hideo Saito, Myriam Servières, Guillaume Moreau. Camera tracking by online learning of keypoint arrangements using LLAH in augmented reality applications. Virtual Reality, 2011, 15, ⟨10.1007/s10055-010-0173-7⟩. ⟨hal-01521143⟩

  • Chamseddine Zaki, Elyès Zekri, Myriam Servières, Guillaume Moreau, Gérard Hégron. Generic modeling of application and spatiotemporal data : application to the study of pedestrian behavior. Intelligent decision technologies, 2011, 5 (4), pp.297--302. ⟨10.3233/IDT-2011-0113⟩. ⟨hal-01521142⟩

  • Nicolas Bioret, Guillaume Moreau, Myriam Servières. Géolocalisation en milieu urbain par appariement entre une collection d'images et un SIG 2D. Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série ISI : Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, 2009, 14 (5), pp.107--131. ⟨10.3166/isi.14.5.107-131⟩. ⟨hal-01521145⟩

  • Souha Tahrani, Guillaume Moreau. Integration of immersive walking to analyze urban daylighting ambiences. Journal of Urban Design, 2008, 13 (1), pp.99-123. ⟨hal-00285945⟩

  • Sébastien Regis, Andrei Doncescu, Philippe Fuchs, Guillaume Moreau. Dense stereo correspondence using quarters of wavelets transform. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 2005, 19 (1), pp.21-44. ⟨10.1142/S0218001405003892⟩. ⟨hal-00605233⟩

  • Guillaume Moreau, Philippe Fuchs, Panogiotis Stergiopoulos. Applications of Virtual Reality in the manufacturing industry: from design review to ergonomic studies. Mechanics & Industry, 2004, 5 (1), pp.171-179. ⟨10.1051/meca:2004018⟩. ⟨hal-00783761⟩

Article de blog scientifique

  • Bruno Arnaldi, Pascal Guitton, Guillaume Moreau. Rendez-vous dans 10 ans. 2018. ⟨hal-01963037⟩

Communication dans un congrès

  • Martin Guy, Camille Jeunet-Kelway, Guillaume Moreau, Jean-Marie Normand. Manipulating the Sense of Embodiment in Virtual Reality: a study of the interactions between the senses of agency, self-location and ownership. ICAT-EGVE2022, the joint international conference of the 32nd International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence & the 27th Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments (2022), Nov 2022, Yokohama, Japan. pp.1-11, ⟨10.2312/egve.20221281⟩. ⟨hal-03853981⟩

  • Etienne Peillard, Yuta Itoh, Jean-Marie Normand, Ferran Argelaguet Sanz, Guillaume Moreau, et al.. Can Retinal Projection Displays Improve Spatial Perception in Augmented Reality?. ISMAR 2020 - 19th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, Nov 2020, Recife, Brazil. pp.124-133, ⟨10.1109/ISMAR50242.2020.00028⟩. ⟨hal-02911740⟩

  • Maxim Spur, Vincent Tourre, Erwan David, Guillaume Moreau, Patrick Le Callet. MapStack: Exploring Multilayered Geospatial Data In Virtual Reality. 11th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications, Feb 2020, Valletta, Malta. pp.88-99, ⟨10.5220/0008978600880099⟩. ⟨hal-02932169⟩

  • Gabriel Giraldo, Myriam Servières, Guillaume Moreau. Perception of Multisensory Wind Representation in Virtual Reality. ISMAR 2020 - 19th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, Nov 2020, Recife, Brazil. pp.89-97, ⟨10.1109/ISMAR50242.2020.00024⟩. ⟨hal-02924372⟩

  • Etienne Peillard, Thomas Thebaud, Jean-Marie Normand, Ferran Argelaguet Sanz, Guillaume Moreau, et al.. Virtual Objects Look Farther on the Sides: The Anisotropy of Distance Perception in Virtual Reality. VR 2019 - 26th IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, Mar 2019, Osaka, Japan. pp.227-236, ⟨10.1109/VR.2019.8797826⟩. ⟨hal-02084069⟩

  • Etienne Peillard, Ferran Argelaguet Sanz, Jean-Marie Normand, Anatole Lécuyer, Guillaume Moreau. Studying Exocentric Distance Perception in Optical See-Through Augmented Reality. ISMAR 2019 - 18th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, Oct 2019, Beijing, China. pp.1-8. ⟨hal-02200822⟩

  • Julie Milovanovic, Daniel Siret, Guillaume Moreau, Francis Miguet. Representational Ecosystems in Architectural Design Studio Critiques: Do changes in the representational ecosystem affect tutors and students behaviors during design critiques?. eCAADe 2018 - 36th Annual Conference 17th-21st September 2018 Lodz, Sep 2018, Lodz, Poland. pp.351-360. ⟨hal-01916562⟩

  • Julie Milovanovic, Guillaume Moreau, Daniel Siret, Francis Miguet. Virtual and Augmented Reality in Architectural Design and Education. 17th International Conference, CAAD Futures 2017, Gülen Çağdaş, Mine Özkar, Leman F. Gül and Ethem Gürer, Jul 2017, Istanbul, Turkey. ⟨hal-01586746⟩

  • Bernard Semaan, Myriam Servières, Guillaume Moreau, B. Chebaro. A geograhic data gathering system for image geolocalization refining. 2nd International Conference on Smart Data and Smart Cities, Oct 2017, Puebla, Mexico. pp.63 - 70, ⟨10.5194/isprs-annals-IV-4-W3-63-2017⟩. ⟨hal-01712515⟩

  • Adrien Verhulst, Jean-Marie Normand, Cindy Lombart, Guillaume Moreau. A study on the use of an immersive Virtual Reality store to investigate consumer perceptions and purchase behavior toward non-standard fruits and vegetables. IEEE Virtual Reality, Mar 2017, Los Angeles, United States. pp.55 - 63, ⟨10.1109/VR.2017.7892231⟩. ⟨hal-01619314⟩

  • Hengyang Wei, Muriel Pressigout, Luce Morin, Myriam Servières, Guillaume Moreau. A Study of Virtual Visual Servoing Sensitivity in the Context of Image/GIS Registration for Urban Environments. Fifteenth IAPR International Conference on Machine Vision Application, 2017, Nagoya, Japan. pp.522-525, ⟨10.23919/MVA.2017.7986915⟩. ⟨hal-01526972⟩

  • Alan Transon, Adrien Verhulst, Jean-Marie Normand, Guillaume Moreau, Maki Sugimoto. Evaluation of Facial Expressions as an Interaction Mechanism and their Impact on Affect, Workload and Usability in an AR game. VSMM 2017 - 23rd International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, Oct 2017, Dublin, Ireland. pp.1-8. ⟨hal-01625955⟩

  • Guillaume Moreau, Anatole Lécuyer, Jean-Marie Normand, Myriam Servières. Message from the ISMAR 2017 General Chair and Deputy General Chairs. IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), Oct 2017, Nantes, France. pp.IX, ⟨10.1109/ISMAR.2017.5⟩. ⟨hal-01715813⟩

  • Adrien Verhulst, Jean-Marie Normand, Guillaume Moreau. Generation of variability in shape, aspect and time of 3D Fruits and Vegetables. VSMM 2017 - 23rd International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, Oct 2017, Dublin, Ireland. pp.1-8. ⟨hal-01625956⟩

  • Julie Milovanovic, Daniel Siret, Guillaume Moreau, Francis Miguet. Enhancing design representational environment to support design learning in the studios. 13th Biennial International Conference of the European Architectural Envisioning Association, Sep 2017, Glasgow, United Kingdom. ⟨hal-01586771⟩

  • Liming Yang, Jean-Marie Normand, Guillaume Moreau. Practical and precise projector-camera calibration. International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, IEEE, Sep 2016, Merida, Mexico. ⟨hal-01389076⟩

  • Liming Yang, Hideaki Uchiyama, Jean-Marie Normand, Guillaume Moreau, Hajime Nahagara, et al.. Real-time surface of revolution reconstruction on dense SLAM. 3D Vision Conference 2016, Oct 2016, Palo Alto, United States. ⟨hal-01389060⟩

  • Siju Wu, Amine Chellali, Samir Otmane, Guillaume Moreau. TouchSketch: a touch-based interface for 3D object manipulation and editing. 21st ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST 2015), Nov 2015, Beijing, China. pp.59--68, ⟨10.1145/2821592.2821606⟩. ⟨hal-01222203⟩

  • Siju Wu, Amine Chellali, Samir Otmane, Guillaume Moreau. LayerStroke: a Layer based Selector for Small Target Acquisition. 27ème conférence francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine., Oct 2015, Toulouse, France. pp.w17, ⟨10.1145/2820619.2825019⟩. ⟨hal-01219114⟩

  • Siju Wu, Amine Chellali, Samir Otmane, Guillaume Moreau. HorizontalDragger: a Freehand Remote Selector for Object Acquisition. IEEE Virtual Reality 2015, Mar 2015, Arles, France. pp.307--308, ⟨10.1109/VR.2015.7223418⟩. ⟨hal-01140514⟩

  • Toinon Vigier, Guillaume Moreau, Daniel Siret. Impact of Visual Cues on Climate Perception in Virtual Urban Environments: A User Study. 19th International Conference on Information Visualisation, Jul 2015, Barcelona, Spain. pp.500-505, ⟨10.1109/iV.2015.89⟩. ⟨hal-02478707⟩

  • Liming Yang, Jean-Marie Normand, Guillaume Moreau. Augmenting off-the-shelf paper maps using intersection detection and geographical information systems. 2015 14th IAPR International Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA), May 2015, Tokyo, Japan. pp.190-193, ⟨10.1109/MVA.2015.7153164⟩. ⟨hal-01812793⟩

  • Liming Yang, Jean-Marie Normand, Guillaume Moreau. Robust random dot markers: towards augmented unprepared maps with pure geographic features. VRST'14 the 20th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, Nov 2014, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. pp.45-54, ⟨10.1145/2671015.2671022⟩. ⟨hal-01812790⟩

  • Fan Zhang, Vincent Tourre, Guillaume Moreau. Using metrics to evaluate and improve text-based information visualization in 3D urban environment. WSCG'2014 - 22nd International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision'2014, 2014, Pilsen, Czech Republic. ⟨hal-01502814⟩

  • Simon Carolan, Francisco Chinesta, Christine Evain, Morgan Magnin, Guillaume Moreau. Extracting Domain Ontologies from Reference Books. 14th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2014), Jul 2014, Athènes, Greece. ⟨10.1109/ICALT.2014.159⟩. ⟨hal-01973160⟩

  • Siju Wu, Amine Chellali, Samir Otmane, Guillaume Moreau. HorizontalDragger: a Freehand Remote Selector for Object Acquisition. 9es journées de l’Association Française de Réalité Virtuelle (AFRV), Augmentée, Mixte et d’Interaction 3D, Nov 2014, Reims, France. ⟨hal-01101794⟩

  • Toinon Vigier, Daniel Siret, Guillaume Moreau, Laurent Lescop. Feeling the urban project: the use of virtual reality for a perceptual approach of the urban climatic environment. EAEA11 - 11th European Architectural Envisioning Association Conference, Eugenio Morello, Barbara E.A. Piga, Sep 2013, Milan, Italy. p. 297-304. ⟨hal-02476418⟩

  • Simon Carolan, Francisco Chinesta, Christine Evain, Morgan Magnin, Guillaume Moreau. Towards Augmented Learning in Science and Engineering in Higher Education. 13th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Jul 2013, Beijing, China. pp.512-513, ⟨10.1109/ICALT.2013.169⟩. ⟨hal-01977283⟩

  • Siju Wu, Samir Otmane, Guillaume Moreau, Myriam Servières. Design of a Visual Query Language for Geographic Information System on a Touch Screen. 15th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction International (HCI 2013), Jul 2013, Las Vegas, NV, United States. pp.530--539, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-39330-3_57⟩. ⟨hal-00850386⟩

  • Shupeng Zhu, Luce Morin, Muriel Pressigout, Guillaume Moreau, Myriam Servìère. Video/GIS registration system based on skyline matching method. 20th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP 2013, Sep 2013, Melbourne, Australia. pp.3632-3636, ⟨10.1109/ICIP.2013.6738749⟩. ⟨hal-01296969⟩

  • Toinon Vigier, Daniel Siret, Guillaume Moreau, Laurent Lescop. Sensitive suggestion and perception of climatic effects in virtual urban environments. ACM Symposium on Applied Perception, Aug 2013, Dublin, France. pp.126 - 140, ⟨10.1145/2492494.2501896⟩. ⟨hal-01880383⟩

  • R. Liu, Myriam Servières, Guillaume Moreau. A 3D-GIS updating method with interaction in an urban environment. ASME 2012 11th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, ESDA 2012, 2012, Unknown, Unknown Region. pp.369--374, ⟨10.1115/ESDA2012-82608⟩. ⟨hal-01521470⟩

  • Toinon Vigier, Guillaume Moreau, Daniel Siret, Laurent Lescop. Towards a sensory delineation of microclimatic urban ambiances in virtual reality. Ambiances in action / Ambiances en acte(s) - International Congress on Ambiances, Montreal 2012, Sep 2012, Montreal, Canada. pp.779-782. ⟨halshs-00745840⟩

  • Shuang He, Besuievsky Gonzalo, Vincent Tourre, Gustavo Patow, Guillaume Moreau. All range and heterogeneous multi-scale 3D city models. 3u3d2012: Usage, Usability, and Utility of 3D City Models, Oct 2012, Nantes, France. ⟨10.1051/3u3d/201202006⟩. ⟨hal-01501831⟩

  • Shupeng Zhu, Muriel Pressigout, Myriam Servières, Luce Morin, Guillaume Moreau. Skyline Matching: A robust registration method between Video and GIS. Conference of the European COST Action TU0801 - Semantic Enrichment of 3D City Models for Sustainable Urban Development Location: Grad Sch Architecture, Oct 2012, Nantes, France. pp.1-6, ⟨10.1051/3u3d/201203007⟩. ⟨hal-00768494⟩

  • Jean-Marie Normand, Myriam Servières, Guillaume Moreau. A new typology of augmented reality applications. AH '12 Proceedings of the 3rd Augmented Human International Conference, Mar 2012, Megève, France. ⟨10.1145/2160125.2160143⟩. ⟨hal-01521375⟩

  • Simon Carolan, Morgan Magnin, Christine Evain, Guillaume Moreau, Francisco Chinesta. Developing models for enhanced learning in engineering. 6th Centrale Beihang Workshop, Dec 2012, Lille, France. Paper 1. ⟨hal-00783543⟩

  • Toinon Vigier, Guillaume Moreau, Daniel Siret, Laurent Lescop. A new concept of perceptual fidelity to augment virtual urban environments with microclimatic ambiances. 3U3D 2012, Oct 2012, Nantes, France. ⟨10.1051/3u3d/201203002⟩. ⟨hal-02476304⟩

  • Rolland Billen, Chams-Eddine Zaki, Myriam Servières, Guillaume Moreau, Pierre Hallot. Developing an ontology of space: Application to 3D city modeling. Usage, Usability, and Utility of 3D City Models – European COST Action TU0801, 2012, Nantes, France. pp.02007, ⟨10.1051/3u3d/201202007⟩. ⟨hal-01521445⟩

  • Jean-Marie Normand, Myriam Servières, Guillaume Moreau. A functional typology of augmented reality applications based on their tracking requirements. Workshop on Location Awareness for Mixed and Dual Reality (LAMDa), 2011, Unknown, Unknown Region. pp.1--5. ⟨hal-01521471⟩

  • Chams Eddine Zaki, Myriam Servières, Guillaume Moreau. Implementing conceptual spatiotemporal model into object DBMS with semantic preserving. ICSDM 2011 - Proceedings 2011 IEEE International Conference on Spatial Data Mining and Geographical Knowledge Services, 2011, Unknown, Unknown Region. pp.160--165, ⟨10.1109/ICSDM.2011.5969024⟩. ⟨hal-01521483⟩

  • Ruijun Liu, Myriam Servières, Guillaume Moreau. Facades modeling from a ground-view video with map constraints. Proceedings of the 12th IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications, MVA 2011, 2011, Nara, Japan. pp.128--131. ⟨hal-01521507⟩

  • Chamseddine Zaki, Myriam Servières, Guillaume Moreau. Transforming Conceptual Spatiotemporal Model into Object Model with Semantic Keeping. Advances in Conceptual Modeling. Recent Developments and New Directions. Lecture Notes in Computer Science., 2011, Unknown, Unknown Region. pp.281--290, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-24574-9_35⟩. ⟨hal-01521481⟩

  • Rachid Hamaina, Thomas Leduc, Guillaume Moreau. A structural analysis of the streets’ network to urban fabric characterization. ICC 2011 - 25th International Cartographic Conference, Jul 2011, Paris, France. ⟨hal-01347325⟩

  • Chamseddine Zaki, Myriam Servières, Guillaume Moreau. Implementing Conceptual Spatiotemporal Model into Object DBMS with Semantic Preserving. ICSDM 2011 & BJ-IWGIS 2011CSDM 2011 & BJ-IWGIS 2011, 2011, Fuzhou, Fujian, China. ⟨hal-01521482⟩

  • Laure Leroy, Alexis Paljic, Philippe Fuchs, Guillaume Moreau. Real time comfort enhancement in stereoscopic displays by disparity and content-adapted blur. ISIE 2010, Jul 2010, Bari, Italy. pp.P. 3595-3600. ⟨hal-00784401⟩

  • Chamseddine Zaki, Elyès Zekri, Myriam Servières, Guillaume Moreau, Gérard Hégron. Urban Spatiotemporal Data Modeling : Application to the Study of Pedestrian Walkways. KES international Symposium IDT 2010, Jul 2010, Baltimore (MD), United States. pp.549--558, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-14616-9_53⟩. ⟨hal-01521484⟩

  • Chen Zhong, Chamseddine Zaki, Vincent Tourre, Guillaume Moreau. Event-based Semantic Visualization of Trajectory Data in Urban City with a Space-time Cube. Proceedings of the 3rd WSEAS International Conference on Visualization, Imaging and Simulation, 2010, Faro, Portugal. pp.99--105. ⟨hal-01502443⟩

  • Nicolas Bioret, Guillaume Moreau, Myriam Servières. Towards outdoor localization from GIS data and 3D content extracted from videos. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 2010, Bari, Italy. pp.3613--3618, ⟨10.1109/ISIE.2010.5637503⟩. ⟨hal-01521496⟩

  • Nicolas Bioret, Guillaume Moreau, Myriam Servières. Pose computation based on Correspondence between 2D GIS and Street Images. INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS AND AUTOMATION: 2nd Mediterranean Conference on Intelligent Systems and Automation, 2009, Zarzis, Tunisia. pp.169--174, ⟨10.1063/1.3106467⟩. ⟨hal-01521498⟩

  • Nicolas Bioret, Guillaume Moreau, Myriam Servières. Urban Localization based on Correspondences between Street Photographs and 2D Building GIS Layer. Congrès COmpression et REprésentation des Signaux Audiovisuels CORESA 2009, Mar 2009, Toulouse, France. ⟨hal-01521497⟩

  • Chamseddine Zaki, Myriam Servières, Guillaume Moreau. Using Conceptual and Ontological Models for Tracking Changes of Spatio-Temporal Objects and Concepts over Time. 12th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science 2009, Association of Geographic Information Laboratories for Europe (AGILE), Jun 2009, Hannovre, Germany. ⟨hal-01521485⟩

  • Hideaki Uchiyama, Hideo Saito, Vivien Nivesse, Myriam Servières, Guillaume Moreau. MapBook AiR : AR City Representation System on a Physical Map using Topological Information. The 3rd Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology, 2009, Tokyo, Japan. ⟨hal-01521514⟩

  • Chamseddine Zaki, Myriam Servières, Guillaume Moreau. Combining Conceptual and Ontological Models for Representing Spatio-Temporal Data and Semantic Evolution in GIS. Ontologies for urban development: Future development of urban ontologies, 2009, Liège, Belgium. pp.95-104. ⟨hal-01521486⟩

  • Hideaki Uchiyama, Hideo Saito, Myriam Servières, Guillaume Moreau. AR GIS on a physical map based on map image retrieval using LLAH tracking. Conference on Machine Vision Applications, 2009, Unknown, Japan. pp.382--385. ⟨hal-01521511⟩

  • Hideaki Uchiyama, Hideo Saito, Myriam Servières, Guillaume Moreau. Ar city representation system based on map recognition using topological information. Virtual and Mixed Reality, Third International Conference, VMR 2009, Held as Part of HCI International 2009, 2009, Unknown, Unknown Region. pp.128--135. ⟨hal-01521512⟩

  • Ryo Mitsumori, Hideaki Uchiyama, Hideo Saito, Myriam Servières, Guillaume Moreau. Change Detection Based on SURF and Color Edge Matching. Invited Workshop on Vision and Control for Access Space (VCAS) in 9th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), 2009, Unknown, Unknown Region. pp.1--12. ⟨hal-01521509⟩

  • Thomas Leduc, Erwan Bocher, Fernando González Cortés, Guillaume Moreau. GDMS-R: A mixed SQL to manage raster and vector data. GIS 2009, Jan 2009, Ostrava, Czech Republic. ⟨hal-00358740⟩

  • Guillaume Moreau, Myriam Servières, Hideo Saito. AR-based GIS: Towards closing the loop between acquisition and visualization of geographical data. ISMAR workshop Lets Go Out Research in Outdoor Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2009, Unknown, Unknown Region. pp.2--3. ⟨hal-01521520⟩

  • Laure Leroy, Philippe Fuchs, Alexis Paljic, Guillaume Moreau. Some experiments about shape perception in stereoscopic displays. Symposium on Electronic Imaging - IS&T/SPIE, Jan 2009, San Jose, United States. pp.Number 7237-45. ⟨hal-00785346⟩

  • Naoyuki Yazawa, Hideaki Uchiyama, Hideo Saito, Myriam Servières, Guillaume Moreau. Image based view localization system retrieving from a panorama database by surf. Proc. of the IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications, 2009, Unknown, Japan. ⟨hal-01521508⟩

  • Yuko Uematsu, Hideo Saito, Myriam Servières, Guillaume Moreau. AR Mapping of GIS Information by Pattern-based Tracking with Particle Filter. International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence, 2008, Yokohama, Japan. pp.305--308. ⟨hal-01521515⟩

  • Nathalie Long, Erwan Bocher, Thomas Leduc, Guillaume Moreau. Sensitivity of spatial indicators for urban terrain characterization. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium - IGARSS-2008, Jul 2008, Boston, United States. ⟨hal-00329504⟩

  • Chamseddine Zaki, Myriam Servières, Guillaume Moreau. An ontology-based model for representing evolution of both data and semantic in GIS. GI Days, Jun 2008, Münster, Germany. ⟨hal-01521521⟩

  • Hideaki Uchiyama, Hideo Saito, Vivien Nivesse, Myriam Servières, Guillaume Moreau. AR representation system for 3D GIS based on camera pose estimation using distribution of intersections (in Japonese). VRSJ, 2008, Unknown, Japan. ⟨hal-01521517⟩

  • Hideaki Uchiyama, Hideo Saito, Vivien Nivesse, Myriam Servières, Guillaume Moreau. AR representation system for 3D GIS based on camera pose estimation using distribution of intersections. International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence, 2008, Yokohama, Japan. pp.218--225. ⟨hal-01521516⟩

  • Erwan Bocher, Thomas Leduc, Guillaume Moreau, Fernando González Cortés. GDMS: An abstraction layer to enhance Spatial Data Infrastructures usability. 11th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science - AGILE'2008, May 2008, Girona, Spain. ⟨hal-00329500⟩

  • Nicolas Bioret, Guillaume Moreau, Myriam Servières. Outdoor Localization Approach Based on Image / GIS Correspondence Using a Simple 2D Building Layer. 2nd International Workshop on Mobile Geospatial Augmented Reality, 2008, Québec, Canada. ⟨hal-01521499⟩

  • Philippe Fuchs, Laure Leroy, Alexis Paljic, Guillaume Moreau. Study of stereoscopic shape perception for virtual design. International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence., Dec 2008, Yokohama, Japan. pp.P.144-151. ⟨hal-00785352⟩

  • Erwan Bocher, Thomas Leduc, Nathalie Long, Fernando González Cortés, Guillaume Moreau. urbSAT: from spatial SQL to urban indicators. Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial Conference - FOSS4G'2008, Sep 2008, Cape Town, South Africa. ⟨hal-00329505⟩

  • Laure Leroy, Guillaume Moreau, Philippe Fuchs. Amélioration des images stéréoscopiques. journées de l'AFRV, Oct 2007, Marseille., France. pp.P. ⟨hal-00786465⟩

  • Mahzad Kalantari, Franck Jung, Guillaume Moreau, Jeanpierre Guédon. Détection entièrement automatique de points de fuite dans des scènes architecturales urbaines. CORESA 2006 COmpression et REprésentation des Signaux Audiovisuels, 2006, France. pp.41-46. ⟨hal-00394343⟩

  • Julian Aubourg, Guillaume Moreau, Philippe Fuchs. Three-dimensional reconstruction and texturation of museographic objects using multiple images and stereoscopic depth map fusion. conference on Three-Dimensional Image Capture and Applications VI, Jan 2004, San Jose, United States. pp.Volume 5302, ⟨10.1117/12.525687⟩. ⟨hal-00785283⟩

  • N. Lemmer, Guillaume Moreau, Philippe Fuchs. Enhancement of stereoscopic comfort by fast control of frequency content with wavelet transform, SPIE, Stereoscopic Displays & Virtual Reality Systems X, vol. 5006, p. 283-292, , , CA, janvier 2003.. Stereoscopic Displays & Virtual Reality Systems X, SPIE, Jan 2003, Santa Clara, United States. p. 283-292. ⟨hal-00785295⟩

  • Julian Aubourg, Guillaume Moreau, Philippe Fuchs. Accurate 3D reconstruction of museographic objects using multiple image, VRIC 2003, Laval.. VRIC 2003, Apr 2003, Laval, France. pp.P. ⟨hal-00785419⟩

  • Philippe Fuchs, Guillaume Moreau. Psychophysique et techniques de la vision stéréoscopique. école thématique interdisciplinaire du CNRS " Réalité Virtuelle et sciences du comportement ",, May 2003, Marseille, France. ⟨hal-00786603⟩

  • Philippe Fuchs, Guillaume Moreau. Tutorial : Visual Immersion for design. Virtual Concept, Nov 2003, Biarritz, France. pp.ISBN 2-9514772-2-3-6. ⟨hal-00786760⟩

  • Panogiotis Stergiopoulos, Guillaume Moreau, Mehdi Ammi, Philippe Fuchs. A frame work for the haptic rendering of the human hand. IEEE Virtual Reality Haptics Symposium, Mar 2003, Los Angeles, United States. p. 340-347. ⟨hal-00785288⟩

  • Guillaume Moreau, Philippe Fuchs, Panogiotis Stergiopoulos, B. Khoudja. Introducing Virtual Reality for ergonomic studies in the car manufacturing industry. ITEC 2002, Apr 2002, Lille, France. pp.P. ⟨hal-00785443⟩

  • Guillaume Moreau, Panogiotis Stergiopoulos, Domitile Lourdeaux, Philippe Fuchs. Collision Detection for haptic interaction with solid models and virtual prototypes. Virtual Reality International Conference 2002, Jun 2002, France. pp.P. ⟨hal-00785424⟩

  • Guillaume Moreau, Philippe Fuchs, Andrei Doncescu, Sébastien Regis. Dense Stereo Matching using a quarter of Wavelet Transform. ICIP 2002 (2002 International Conference on Image Processing), Sep 2002, Rochester, United States. pp.261-264. ⟨hal-00605240⟩

  • B. Khoudja, Guillaume Moreau, Philippe Fuchs, Panogiotis Stergiopoulos. Human Factors and Ergonomic Studies for the Car Manufacturing Industry,, , U.K, August 18-21, 2002.. ICEE 2002, Aug 2002, Manchester, United Kingdom. pp.P. ⟨hal-00785453⟩

  • Philippe Fuchs, Guillaume Moreau. Stereoscopic Displays for virtual reality in the car manufacturing industry : application to design review and ergonomic studies. Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems, SPIE, Jan 2002, San Jose, United States. pp.4660. ⟨hal-00785303⟩

  • Guillaume Moreau, Philippe Fuchs, Panogiotis Stergiopoulos. Virtual Reality : CAD and Beyond, Virtual Concept 2002. Virtual Concept 2002, Oct 2002, Biarritz, France. p 32-37. ⟨hal-00786604⟩

  • Philippe Fuchs, Guillaume Moreau. Approche méthodologique de la réalité virtuelle pour la CAO. MICAD'2001, Mar 2001, Paris, France. ⟨hal-00786768⟩

  • Guillaume Moreau, Philippe Fuchs. Virtual Reality in the Design Process: from design review to ergonomic studies. 13th European Simulation Symposium (ESS 2001), Oct 2001, Marseille, France. pp.Pages: 123-130. ⟨hal-00785304⟩

Poster de conférence

  • Bernard Semaan, Guillaume Moreau, Myriam Servières, Bilal Chebaro. Towards Automated Image Geolocalization Refining. SAGEO 2016, Dec 2016, Nice, France. , Actes de la conférence SAGEO'2016 - Spatial Analysis and GEOmatics, pp.542- 545, 2016. ⟨hal-01521558⟩

  • Jean-Marie Normand, Aurélien Milliat, Marc Christie, Fabien Picarougne, Guillaume Moreau. Analysis of virtualization as a solution to VR-system sharing. International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence, Dec 2013, Tokyo, Japan. ⟨hal-01167335⟩

  • Ruijun Liu, Myriam Servières, Guillaume Moreau. A GIS data updating method with video. VISIGRAPP. International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications - GRAPP 2012, Feb 2012, Rome, Italy. , Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications and International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications, Rome, Italy, 24-26 February, 2012, pp.511--514, 2012. ⟨hal-01521469⟩

Proceedings/Recueil des communications

  • Thomas Leduc, Guillaume Moreau, Roland Billen. Usage, Usability, and Utility of 3D City Models – European COST Action TU0801. 3u3d2012: Usage, Usability, and Utility of 3D City models, Oct 2012, Nantes, France. EDP Sciences, 2012, 978-2-7598-0798-7. ⟨hal-01347580⟩

Chapitre d'ouvrage

  • Géry Casiez, Xavier Granier, Martin Hachet, Vincent Lepetit, Guillaume Moreau, et al.. Towards VE that are More Closely Related to the Real World. Bruno Arnaldi; Pascal Guitton; Guillaume Moreau. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality - Myths and Realities, chapitre 4, ISTE - Wiley, 2018, 9781786301055. ⟨10.1002/9781119341031.ch4⟩. ⟨hal-01735022⟩

  • Ferran Argelaguet Sanz, Bruno Arnaldi, Jean-Marie Burkhardt, Géry Casiez, Stéphane Donikian, et al.. Complexity and Scientific Challenges. Bruno Arnaldi; Pascal Guitton; Guillaume Moreau. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality - Myths and Realities, chapitre 3, ISTE - Wiley, pp.123-216, 2018, 9781119341031. ⟨10.1002/9781119341031.ch3⟩. ⟨hal-01944915⟩

  • Guillaume Moreau, Myriam Servières, Jean-Marie Normand, Morgan Magnin. Challenges of Image-Based Crowd-Sourcing for Situation Awareness in Disaster Management. Teodorescu, Horia-Nicolaiand Kirschenbaum, Alanand Cojocaru, Svetlanaand Bruderlein, Claude. Improving Disaster Resilience and Mitigation - IT Means and Tools, Springer Netherlands, pp.103--118, 2014, 978-94-017-9136-6. ⟨10.1007/978-94-017-9136-6_7⟩. ⟨hal-01521560⟩

  • Philippe Fuchs, Guillaume Moreau, Alexis Paljic. Réalité virtuelle - Concepts et outils. Techniques de l'Ingénieur, Éditions Techniques de l'Ingénieur, pp.1-27, 2014. ⟨hal-00968248⟩

  • Rachid Hamaina, Thomas Leduc, Guillaume Moreau. A New Method to Characterize Density Adapted to a Coarse City Model. Vasily Popovich; Christophe Claramunt; Manfred Schrenk; Kyrill Korolenko. Information Fusion and Geographic Information Systems (IF AND GIS 2013), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014, 978-3-642-31832-0. ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-31833-7_16⟩. ⟨hal-01347216⟩

  • Rachid Hamaina, Thomas Leduc, Guillaume Moreau. Towards Urban Fabrics Characterization Based on Buildings Footprints. Jérôme Gensel; Didier Josselin; Danny Vandenbroucke. Bridging the Geographic Information Sciences - International AGILE'2012 Conference, Avignon (France), April, 24-27, 2012, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp.327-346, 2012, 978-3-642-29062-6. ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-29063-3_18⟩. ⟨hal-01347299⟩

  • Thomas Leduc, Erwan Bocher, Guillaume Moreau. GDMS-R: A mixed SQL to manage raster and vector data. J. Horák; L. Halounová; D. Kusendová; P. Rapant; Vít. Vozenílek. Advances in Geoinformation Technologies, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, pp.43--56, 2009, 978-80-248-2145-0. ⟨halshs-01093211⟩

  • Philippe Fuchs, Guillaume Moreau. La réalité virtuelle. Encyclopédie des Techniques de l'ingénieur, éditeur de l' Encyclopédie des Techniques de l'ingénieur, vol. TE 5900, 23 p., 2001, volume Télécommunications. ⟨hal-00785613⟩


  • Bruno Arnaldi, Pascal Guitton, Guillaume Moreau (Dir.). Réalité virtuelle et réalité augmentée : mythes et réalités. ISTE éditions, pp.324, 2018, 9781784054670 (papier), 9781784064679 (ebook). ⟨hal-01963014⟩

  • Guillaume Moreau, Bruno Arnaldi, Pascal Guitton (Dir.). Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality: myths and realities. ISTE; Wiley, pp.322, 2018, Computer engineering series, Jean-Charles Pomerol, 9781786301055. ⟨hal-01812771⟩

  • R Billen, A.-F Cutting-Decelle, O Marina, J.-P de Almeida, Matteo Caglioni, et al.. 3D City Models and urban information: Current issues and perspectives – European COST Action TU0801. EDP Sciences, pp.118, 2014, 978-2-7598-1153-3. ⟨10.1051/TU0801/201400001⟩. ⟨hal-01347549⟩

  • Philippe Fuchs, Guillaume Moreau, Pascal Guitton. Virtual Reality: Concepts and Technologies. Editor " CRC Press ", pp.432 Pages, 2011, 9780415684712. ⟨hal-00785546⟩

  • Philippe Fuchs, Guillaume Moreau, Alain Berthoz. Le traité de la réalité virtuelle volume 1 : L'Homme et l'environnement virtuel. Presse des Mines, pp.380, 2006, Mathématique et informatique, 9782911762628. ⟨hal-00753715⟩

  • Philippe Fuchs, Guillaume Moreau, Jean-Marie Burkhardt. Le traité de la réalité virtuelle Volume 2 - L'interfaçage : l'immersion et l'interaction en environnement virtuel. Presse des Mines, pp.520, 2006, Mathématique et informatique, 9782911762635. ⟨hal-00753814⟩

  • Philippe Fuchs, Guillaume Moreau, Bruno Arnaldi. Le traité de la réalité virtuelle Volume 4 - Les applications de la réalité virtuelle. Presse des Mines, pp.290, 2006, Mathématique et informatique, 9782911762659. ⟨hal-00753740⟩

  • Philippe Fuchs, Guillaume Moreau, Jacques Tisseau. Le traité de la réalité virtuelle Volume 3 - Outils et modèles informatiques des environnement virtuels. Presse des Mines, pp.424, 2006, Mathématique et infomatique, 9782911762642. ⟨hal-00753682⟩

  • Philippe Fuchs, Guillaume Moreau, J. P. Papin. Le traité de la réalité virtuelle, première édition. les Presses de l'Ecole des Mines de Paris, 530 p., 2001. ⟨hal-00785586⟩

  • Philippe Fuchs, Guillaume Moreau, Stéphane Donikian. Le traité de la réalité virtuelle Volume 5 : les humains virtuels. Presse des Mines, pp.470, 2000, Mathématique et informatique, 9782911256042. ⟨hal-00753659⟩


  • Daniel Siret, Marjorie Musy, Fabien Ramos, Lamia Rouleau-Tiraoui, Dominique Groleau, et al.. Un outil de diagnostic des potentialités environnementales des enveloppes dans le cadre d'une Opération Programmée d'Amélioration énergétique et Thermique du Bâtiment (OPATB). 2004. ⟨halshs-00575923⟩


  • Guillaume Moreau. Représentation et construction des systèmes d'information par l'image. Interface homme-machine [cs.HC]. Université de Nantes, 2009. ⟨tel-00488770⟩