UMR CNRS - Centrale Nantes - ENSA Grenoble - ENSA Nantes

Poster de conférence

Retrouvez toutes les publications de type Poster de conférence publiée sur l'archive ouverte HAL par le Laboratoire AAU.

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A GIS data updating method with video

Liu R., Servières Myriam, Moreau Guillaume

GRAPP 2012 IVAPP 2012 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications and International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications

Videographic Approaches in Urban Research

Brayer Laure, Bonnet Aurore

Cities in Transformation ─ Research & Design Ideas, Methods, Techniques, Tools, Case Studies EAAE/ARCC Conference on Architectural Research Milano 7-10 June 2012 - Politecnico di Milano