UMR CNRS - UGA - ENSA Nantes - ENSA Grenoble - Centrale Nantes

Actualités associées au tag Scènes culturelles

Retrouvez toutes les actualités du Laboratoire répondant au tag Scènes culturelles

ANR SCAENA : Séminaire sur l’état de l’avancée des terrains, les 17 et 18 décembre 2020

Cultural and creative activities lie at the heart of deep changes that are currently happening in urban societies, their territories and their modes of development. They question public policies as they represent a strong driving force for innovation, resilience of industrial territories, specific ambiances, but also gentrification. By relying on the concept of cultural scene, the SCAENA project aims to analyse the complex embedding that are at play between a situated cultural and artistic offer, the presence of creative entrepreneurs or start-ups, the urban configurations and the social organisation of a territory.